He’s a Glad Dad: 3 Ways Knowing a Happy God Benefits You
“Wait until your father gets home!”
Ever heard those words?
Yeah. Me too.
Mom used to also say, ominously, “You know how your father is.” Cue Star Wars “Imperial March” Theme.
Mom would take us to a pussy willow tree in the backyard and make us pick out our own instrument of pain. Yowza.
But Dad? His belt across our bare bottoms. Unpleasant, to put it mildly. But rarely (if ever) gratuitous.
That said, I’m truly thankful for the home I grew up in. My dad was a good father in many ways, but like me, far from perfect.
So I had mixed feelings when I was introduced to the concept of God as my “heavenly Father.”
Glorious Gospel of the Glad Dad
“according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.” (1 Tim. 1:11)
The word “blessed” can well be rendered, “happy”. Thus, the good news (gospel) comes from the heart of a glad Dad!
Say what?
“God’s glory consists much in the fact that he is happy beyond our wildest imagination.” John Piper
Amazing. If God is “happy beyond our wildest imagination,” how might that impact the way we live?
Glad you asked! Because your life will be hugely impacted by whether you view God as:
- Mostly mad
- Mostly sad or
- Mostly glad
Here are three ways having a happy heavenly Father—and knowing Him this way—will benefit you.
1. HIS PARTNERSHIP: The Pressure’s OFF
This whole business about, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light”? He means that. We are not destined to live the Christian life for God, as much as with God.
My brother-in-law stopped in a strange city to ask a child, “How do you get downtown?” The child took the question literally: “My daddy takes me.” Partnership makes the journey attainable because we’re carried along by a glad Dad.
2. HIS PERSPECTIVE: The Party Never Stops
In the renowned story commonly known as the Prodigal Son, Jesus depicts the father as a hugger, a kisser, and a party thrower. When criticized for it by his elder son, the Father assured him the same revelry was always available to him for the asking.
Jesus welcomes us into eternity with a happy God with these words: “Enter into the joy of your Master.” (Matt. 25:23) Why wait till then?!
When we enter into a relationship with the Godhead, we’re caught in the crossfire of their joyfest!
3. HIS POSITIVITY: The Future is Fabulous
Consider the contagious confidence of Christ: Years ago I struggled mightily with trusting God in the area of finances. I felt weak and ashamed.
When I finally brought my shame to God and trusted him, I heard Him whisper: I’ve been chasing this enemy of ours for a long time, and now I’ve finally caught it!
Wait till your father gets home? The glad-hearted Dad?
Yes, please!